Saturday, November 18, 2006

Make Up of the Break Up

Break up's, the part of life that most normal people dread. Where once was happiness, love, affection and pleasure is replaced by anger, bitterness, hurt and worst of all emptiness. And this is where the break up has been "civil”. Pray that you never have a nasty break up cause then you take everything and you increase it to infinity and the chance's are you still will fall short of how nasty it gets.

There are a few aspects to a break up that no matter how aware the participants are of them they still take place. The breaker in an attempt to justify his/her action's more so if the reason for the break up is totally their responsibility will find fault in everything the partner did. This is done in a pathetic attempt to make sense of the choice to walk away. On the other hand the breakee will look to over analyze everything done or said by his/her partner. The reason for this is to give ammo to the fight that is needed to change love to hate.

This is in a "civil" break up. In the not so "civil" cases all bets are off. Intelligent educated individuals will proceed to carry on like animals. Chunks will be torn from each other and nothing is sacred in this fight to establish dominance and erase affection and love.

True to the saying there is a thin line between love and hate, no where more so than in the break-up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the quest of mental preservation,it is best to have let go..all in the same,if it meant to be,it will come back. . A true clichè!
We live but ONCE,make the most of it.. TrickorTreat