Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Halaal's Car

As some of you may have heard by now Halaal of fame has had his car stolen for the second time in a period of 6 weeks.In an effort to assist him the below link has been setup.Donations of any size will be happly accepted.Please pass the word around............

Memory Lane

Have the luxury today of being so tired I not tired anymore.Have gone for last 48hours on about 6 hours of sleep.Brain is moving in reverse gear.If I did not feel so crappy would be funny.But tiredness for a worthy course.Spent time with people that I have not seen in ages.Nice going done memory lane every once in a while.

Is asking old people that always ask you when you getting married when theirs is happening when you meet em at funerals rude and crass?Jury still out.Very tempted of late to do that.

Is it just me or is it a reality that the kids of today are pretty sharp compared to their equivlents of yesteryear?Seems that they growing up at breakneck speed and have hence adapted to the times at a scary pace.

On another note evolution is looking good.There be good progress going on at the mo.............keep the prayers and rest coming.

Of to get some rest now

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sting in the tail

30 days.25 gone very well.Last 5 going to kick and scream and make their presence known.Have a chronic case of fastbite today.Only 12:15 yet feel like I have been fasting for a few days.Irony of it is I woke for serhi.Yesterday serhi was missed and day went very well.All in the head comes to mind first.Maybe it is that.We out think ourselves making for a sting in the tail.

Going to try a mantra and see if it helps."Last 5 fast's will be easiest!".Reckone if i say it enough mind will get the picture and stop sabotagin my humble efforts.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Daks Evolution

That be the name of my baby.It was conceived round about the third week of September.
The expected delivery is some where round about early Dececmber.So far it is all mine but getting others onboard to make it healthy baby.Just enlisted the help of an interior decorater and roomy be a kickass carpenter.So the body starts taking shape.Have a prospective manager for startup.Have moments of doubt and great grandour.looking forward to making a sucess of this.Prayers and best wishes in all quantities and denominations will be accepeted.

Will post regular updates on the growth and developement of Evo

Monday, October 16, 2006

Valleys and Peaks

Tend to talk bout valleys and peaks when people ask me how I doing only to get a blank look.Well this is how it works in my world.Valleys - Depression.Peak - Mania.

The valleys and peaks that I traverse are varied in breadth and depth.Hypomania is those lil peaks that one catchs everyonce in a while.Runnning down Oxford street naked as my shrink put it is a very high peak.Those are hectic and very costly.Still getting over last one I was on.And that was back in 2001.But the thing with type II is not the ups, its the downs.

Those valleys are nasty mothers.Just when you think you have reached the bottom of one and can now start making you way up and out you land up tripping and crashing down to a lower low.The darkness is so sudden and encompassing that it like a switch.One second you in a bright room and the next you all alone in the dark.Your chest thightens,yet you feel emptpy, your mind caves in on itself, you eye's play tricks on you and just when you think you got it under control everything goes darker.

Knowing what it is about helps but does not make it any easier.Everytime it gets you, you wonder how much more you can take.You pray and look for hope and light.Knowing full well what does not kill you will make you stronger.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Why do drugs and alcohol to escape your woes and problems?There is out there an option that is safe,healthy and legal in any dose.What is it you ask with bated breath and drowling mouths.Books i say.

Yes. The pleasure and joy that comes from imersing one's self in a solid read is priceless and uncomparble to all the booze and hits of this world.

Have found such solace and joy in books that the thought of not reading scarces me more than anything in the world.

So the next time there some worry or drama knocking on your door pick up a book and ease it all away.

Friday, October 13, 2006


I am by nature a frowner of note.Forehead has signed petitions of cease and desist if 18 hours of frowns have not been filed for a day.Irony of it is that people say smiling suits me and i look good doing it .Have a theory on this.Call it the rule of rarity.The appeal and beauty of the smile lies in it scarcity and not in it itself.So fear not forehead frownin will be there for you.We will create deep and marked wrinkles as our legacy.........................

Thursday, October 12, 2006


What makes a choice the right one? Is it the pleasure of others gained through that choice? Or maybe making a choice solely on ones own needs gives it "right one" claim. Or is it when a choice is as selfless as possible that it gains that lofty ideal of being right.

Woe the mental angst that being in the valley delivers. Every drop of light and laughter is closely guarded when in the valley for the blackness that rolls over it is both dark and overbearing. Ribs lock into each other squeezing the breath out. Which choice do you make now? One of selfless honor or one of selfish self preservation!!!!!!!!!!

Voice of an angel

Still working on how to get this embedded but for now please go to link.Worthwhile.
Voice of an angel.Brings tears to all but the hardest heart.

Love at Sehri

Two of the three kings are in love.Through shut eyes and pipping hot oats they have fallen forlong into love.The object of their affection is as they put it one Shenaaz Parker.In reality her name is Lameese Du Toit of Ramadaan Kareem fame.Totally amusing to watch every measurement and instruction taken to heart and mind.Cant wake up for sehri but wide awake to listen miss D tell em how to make their veggies.

Need a pic to end this post.Any tips?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Stunning pic.Thanks azlijamil at flikr.
"I love the irony in this picture. I've never seen a more conservative, fully clad yet sexy woman. Her posture and her glance is both enchanting and captivating."

Places I have been

all credit for this idea goes to

Saw it a while back and really found it interesting.Figured I would try it out.Have only made it to 3% of the globe.Really need to attend to this as soon as possible.

Manic Tuesday!!!!

People with bipolar disorder have a suicide risk ranging between 19% and 24%. Of all mental illnesses, bipolar disorder is associated with the highest risk of suicide, higher even than depression. Somewhere around 31% of bipolar patients kill themselves every year.

For those of you who need a few terms defined:Bipolar disorder is what we now call the disease once known as Manic-Depression. Those of us with bipolar II enjoy depression and hypomania rather than depression and out and out mania, as is experienced by those with bipolar I. The OED defines hypomania thusly "A minor form of mania, often part of the manic-depressive cycle, characterized by elation and a feeling of well-being together with quickness of thought." Mania is defined as " of the aspects of bipolar (manic-depressive) mood disorder, characterized particularly by euphoria, grandiose thought, rapid speech expressing loosely connected thoughts (flight of ideas), decreased need for sleep, increased physical activity, and sometimes delusions or hallucinations." Those are fine definitions, but they don't much assist the layman in comprehending the difference. So let me see if I can be more instructive.

This is hypomania: You wake up in the morning; make four lunches, preparing three individual sandwiches (one peanut butter, no jelly. One turkey with mayo, one turkey without mayo but with tomato, blotted dry so it doesn't make the bread soggy) and a thermos of soup. Each lunch gets a drink, two snacks, and a piece of fruit. You wake, dress, and feed four children, reminding everyone to take vitamins, and Omega III. You sign permission slips, and load up carpool. Then you go to the gym, do email, make plane reservations for family vacation, copy-edit essay, put finishing touches on novel, revise short story for submission to anthology, drop off meal for family with new baby at preschool, and order new bathing suits for everybody because, suddenly, despite the fact that it is February you decide that everyone needs new bathing suits and that if a single day passes without each and every member of the family having a new bathing suit the well-being of the family will collapse. Then you reorganize the kitchen hell drawer, go online and order nine superpacks of size 4 diapers (and swim diapers for the baby, too, because, after all, what's a bathing suit for a baby without a swim diaper underneath it?). Then you pick up the children from school. You never, never, do anything without talking on the phone at the same time. Most of these phone conversations should involve volunteering for things you don't actually want to do but feel you should. That is a day in the life of the average hypomanic.

The above is from

Stumbled across it the other night and it made for nice reading.

Had a hypomania session yesterday.Knew I was in the zone and knew it was not a good idea but nothing i could do to stop it.So threw boxes and screamed at staff for hour and then went home and cooked up iftaar in 30 min.Chops brocoli cauliflower samoosa's and some chicken thingy.Lovely meal.Then had first smoke of the day and it brought me down.Had i known it would have done that would have lit up much earlier.Have made mental note that one blonde smoked after having been fasting for the whole day is a great downer.Plus none chemical so no side effects. Wonder wat to call the cancer!!!!!

Today's fast going to be rough.Woke up with 10 mins on the clock.Roomys have become playstation addicts and hence we all have been stumbling to wake up for serhi.Had the luxuary of having the worse bowl of oats ever this morn.Nuked to neverneverland.Nasty.

Have to admit if I say so myself we three kings have been doing pretty well so far.People expect three guys staying on their own to suffer and stagnate but we have been having a blast.Good foods great times and even greater laughs.

Ironic that I would land up living with two guys from back home who I had never spoken to or even acknowledged in the whole time we lived there.

This world is always full of surprises.

Going to earn my keep now.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why is it that those of means are the most selfish and miserly ones amongst us?Know that the man who can afford something is the first to ask for a discount and/or a freebie.Find it funny and amusing most of the time but in the end it is sad.But then again maybe the reason they that rich is cause they so tightfisted....................
Had a pleasent suprise yesterday.Needed it after that paper.Within the evil empire we call our telecoms provider, Telkom, some cogs moved and I was found to be deserving of a refund.Albit it was only R78 which is paltry next to the thousands I have paid them over the years, but it was nice and uplifiting tearing open an official looking envelope and finding a crisp check printed out in one's name.Rushed to the bank in my lunch time to deposit it.Was pretty chaffed.Hopefully there a silver lining for today.Hanging today.Really need a lift up today.

Think this blog may actually take off now.Seeing as how I have managed concurrent posts I figure there is hope for this manic voyage.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Just wrote my first exam of 2nd semster 2006.How was it they ask?Could have been better but then could have been worse.Standard answer for me after exam.Am very bitter today.Convinced I lost out on the accounting skills in my famliy.Give me an essay of love and hate in Shakespeares works or the theme of pain and self hatred in Anne Rice's works and I can spin a yarn for hours and meters deep but ask me bout A=E+L or double entry and I go all ape.This is the third time I have written ACN 101 and my understanding of it is still zilch.Well at least next week should be better.Information Technology 306 - Networking.Now we talking my lingo.Till I find this bookmark again.
